Tossing your cookies along the side of the trail? Mountain biking is supposed to be fun, and there are few experiences less fun than spewing half-digested Egg McMuffin among the aspens. Yeah, anybody can catch a stomach virus. But if you frequently feel nausea when biking, read on.This article will give you the lowdown on Biker's Nausea. You'll learn to diagnose why you feel sick. That's important, because the right treatment depends on what made you nauseated. And you'll learn some strategies for preventing on-trail nausea.
Let's jump in, with the question Why do I feel sick? I'll divide the causes of Biker's Nausea into three categories: (1) physiologic-stress nausea, (2) metabolic nausea, and (3) gastric nausea. Of course, many times it's not just one thing; it's a combination of causes that makes you hurl.
Well, that's the story. But let's repeat the headline: To avoid biker's nausea, train properly, warm up, hydrate, and eat right.